NEWYORK, NY 2011. USA (1)
Ref : DT/NN/12 (2)
7th May, 2014 (3)
Messrs, Johnson Street
16 fifth Auenue Steet
Los Angles, LA (4)
Dear Sir, (5)
We have to remind you that your account for televisions order on 12 Feb has not yet been paid.
Discount cannot now be allowed. (6)
Yours faithfully, (7)
Jonathan R Smits (8)
Cambridge Electric Corp
Enclosure : 2 catalogues. (9)
Explanation :
1. Letter Head ( Kop Surat )
2. Reference ( Referensi )
3. Date ( Tanggal )
4. Inside Address ( Alamat )
5. Salutation ( Salam Pembuka)
6. Body Of The Letter ( Isi Surat )
7. Compliment Close ( Salam Penutup)
8.Signature (Tanda Tangan)
9. Enclosure (Lampiran)
sumber klik
Anggota Kelompok : 4KB03
1. Alphy Audzan Rusdyn Yuha (20112660)
7th May, 2014 (3)
Messrs, Johnson Street
16 fifth Auenue Steet
Los Angles, LA (4)
Dear Sir, (5)
We have to remind you that your account for televisions order on 12 Feb has not yet been paid.
Discount cannot now be allowed. (6)
Yours faithfully, (7)
Jonathan R Smits (8)
Cambridge Electric Corp
Enclosure : 2 catalogues. (9)
Explanation :
1. Letter Head ( Kop Surat )
2. Reference ( Referensi )
3. Date ( Tanggal )
4. Inside Address ( Alamat )
5. Salutation ( Salam Pembuka)
6. Body Of The Letter ( Isi Surat )
7. Compliment Close ( Salam Penutup)
8.Signature (Tanda Tangan)
9. Enclosure (Lampiran)
sumber klik
Anggota Kelompok : 4KB03
1. Alphy Audzan Rusdyn Yuha (20112660)
2. Ardhiyan Dwi Saputra (21112040)
3. Galang Ady Pratama (23112077 )
4. Gifari Nuzulla (23112144)
5. Yuliyan Danu Pratama (27112949)
4. Gifari Nuzulla (23112144)
5. Yuliyan Danu Pratama (27112949)